EWTN Vatican
Vatican Authority Ordains New Opus Dei Deacons in Rome: 'Only Love is Credible'
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Monsignor Andrés Gabriel Ferrada Ordains New Opus Dei Deacons in Rome | Credit: Opus Dei

On Saturday, November 18, 29 faithful from Opus Dei, originating from 19 countries, received the diaconate from the hands of Monsignor Andrés Gabriel Ferrada, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Clergy.

The ceremony occurred in the Roman Basilica of San Eugenio, where numerous family members and friends accompanied the diaconate candidates with their prayers.

In his homily, Monsignor Ferrada emphasized that in the life of a person dedicated to God, "everything is summed up in love" and in "friendship with Christ."

"Only love is credible — he reminded the ordinands — and you will be credible if you throw yourselves into the ocean of divine love, listening to the Word of God, the sacraments, and service, learning from everyone."

Mentioning each one by name, the bishop also pointed out, "He loves us as the Father loves the Son, that is, without limits and without measure. His death on the cross out of love for us, his friends, is undeniable proof. In the same way, Jesus loves each one of us, and today, he repeats it to these dear chosen ones for the diaconate."

"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest." Recalling these words of Jesus, Monsignor Ferrada added: "You are the answer to the ceaseless prayer of so many people in the Church, starting with your loved ones: the mother, the father, grandparents, uncles, friends, and the Christian community, priests and religious, all who have generated you in the faith." "Yes, you are the 'answer' also to the sacrifice of so many faithful who united to the crucified Christ, have offered and offer for your fidelity and perseverance the sufferings of illness, voluntary privations, or the serene acceptance of various circumstances."

For Monsignor Ferrada, "the commitment continues: we are all called to continue interceding for these dear friends chosen for the diaconate on their way to the priesthood."

At the end of the homily, he addressed the candidates: "We wish you a very fruitful diaconal ministry, rooted in love and the joy of the Lord, who has warmly called you 'friends' and has chosen you 'so that you may go and bear fruit, and your fruit will last.'" After the ceremony, the Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, expressed gratitude and affection for the new deacons and their families.

The 29 new deacons come from 19 countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Cameroon, El Salvador, Spain, the United States, the Philippines, France, China (Hong Kong), Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Paraguay, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sweden, and Switzerland.

This article was originally published on ACI Prensa. 

Author Name

Almudena Martínez-Bordiú is a Spanish journalist and correspondent for ACI Prensa in Rome and the Vatican, with three years of experience in religious information. She has a double degree in Journalism and Advertising from San Pablo CEU University in Madrid. She has a passion for investigative journalism and for telling stories in a close way. 

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