EWTN Vatican
Pope Francis' Prayer Intentions for Each Month of 2024
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Pope Francis during a General Audience. Credit: Daniel Ibanez / EWTN Vatican

The Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network has released the list of prayer intentions set by Pope Francis for the year 2024.

Each month, Pope Francis asks Catholics around the world to pray for a specific intention.

Accompanying this initiative is a video in which the Pope explains his reasons for selecting each particular intention. Below is the complete list of Pope Francis' prayer intentions for 2024:

January: For the Gift of Diversity in the Church 

Pope Francis calls for prayers to the Holy Spirit “to help us recognize the gift of different charisms within Christian communities and to discover the richness of various ritual traditions within the Catholic Church.”

February: For the Terminally Ill 

The Holy Father encourages prayers “so that terminally ill patients and their families always receive necessary medical and human care and support.”

March: For the New Martyrs 

Pope Francis invites prayer “for those around the world who risk their lives for the Gospel, to inspire the Church with their courage and missionary zeal.”

April: For the Role of Women 

This month’s prayer intention is “that the dignity and richness of women be recognized in all cultures, and for an end to the discrimination they suffer in various parts of the world.”

May: For the Formation of Religious, Monks, Nuns, and Seminarians 

The Pontiff urges prayers “so that religious, monks, nuns, and seminarians may grow in their vocational journey through human, pastoral, spiritual, and communal formation, leading them to be credible witnesses of the Gospel.”

June: For Those Fleeing Their Country 

Pope Francis dedicates June to praying “for migrants fleeing wars or hunger, forced into journeys full of danger and violence, to find acceptance and new life opportunities in their host countries.”

July: For Pastoral Care of the Sick 

The Holy Father asks “for the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to give strength from the Lord to those who receive it and their loved ones, becoming a visible sign of compassion and hope for everyone.”

August: For Political Leaders 

Pope Francis invites prayers “so that political leaders may serve their people, work for comprehensive human development and the common good, attending to those who have lost their jobs and prioritizing the poorest.”

September: For the Cry of the Earth 

“Let us pray that each of us hears with the heart the cry of the Earth and victims of natural disasters and climate change, personally committing to care for the world we inhabit.”

October: For a Shared Mission 

Pope Francis asks for prayers so that the Church “continues to support a synodal way of life, under the sign of co-responsibility, promoting participation, communion, and shared mission among priests, religious, and laypeople.”

November: For Parents Who Have Lost a Child

 “Let us pray that all parents mourning the death of a child find support in the community and receive heart’s peace from the consoling Spirit.”

December: For Pilgrims of Hope 

Pope Francis requests this month’s prayers “so that this Jubilee strengthens us in faith, helps us recognize Christ risen in our lives, and transforms us into pilgrims of Christian hope.”

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